Health and Home

The Four Types of Property Surveys

When buying a home, it is vital that you get a survey on the property to assess its current condition and to find out if there are any problems you need to be aware of. The survey is usually carried out after your offer has been accepted and once you have submitted your mortgage application. Read on to discover which of the four property surveys will be best for you and your home purchase.

Level 1 Home Survey

This is the most basic of the four surveys and its main purpose is to assess that the value of the property has been set at the correct level. It provides an overview of the condition of the property but does not go into detail about any major problems and is usually carried out at a very low cost or free of charge by your mortgage provider. A level 1 survey is a good choice if you are buying a modern property that has not had any structural changes or problems. When choosing a survey, it is also important to ensure that your surveyor is a registered member of RICS – The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. You can check this online at.

Level 2 Home Condition Survey

The level 2 survey is the survey home buyers usually select when purchasing a property. It is more in-depth than a level 1 survey as it will highlight any problems with the property, such as dampness or subsidence and the surveyor will also notify you of any repairs or maintenance that the property needs. All these factors could affect the value of your potential new home. When the surveyor completes the level 2 survey, they will only look for issues they can immediately see. They will not be lifting up carpets and inspecting floorboards or moving furniture to see if there is anything suspicious hidden behind. This survey could take up to three hours to complete. If you require a homebuyers survey in the London or Hertfordshire area, firms such as Sam Conveyancing can assist and recommend RICS registered building surveyors.

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Level 3 – Building Survey

If you are buying an older property, a property that needs extensive renovations or a house that is unusual in design and style, it is definitely advantageous to choose a Level 3 building survey. This is the most comprehensive and in-depth survey available and will go into great detail about the structure and condition of the property and could possibly take up to a day to complete depending on the size of the property and the number of problems involved. In this survey, the surveyor will check everything, including the roof, the floorboards and the attic. This is the most expensive survey of the three available but it is of vital importance if you are going to renovate an older property, so you know exactly what all the issues will be.

Snagging Report Survey

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Finally, if you are purchasing a new property, it is wise to instruct a snagging report to highlight any issues. New builds should be in perfect condition, but frequently small issues such as sticking windows or doors or uneven plasterwork can be missed, which may cause problems down the line if they are not fixed before you move in.

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