
How to celebrate a winter birthday? 5 best ideas

We transform winter birthday into an unforgettable holiday! So, you are lucky to be born in the winter. Why are you lucky? Because the New Year tree, which will last until the first of March (in extreme cases – until February 23), of course, will be an excellent festive and cheerful entourage. And secondly … Secondly, you have a great opportunity to celebrate your birthday differently than those celebrated by those who were born at another time of the year (that is, to refuse the barbecue and hide the fishing rods) and to include imagination by turning your holiday in a completely unusual action!

It is not necessary to confine yourself to a homecoming or a visit to a restaurant. In the end, winter is not a reason to deny yourself fun holiday fantasies and entertainment programs!

5 ideas for a winter birthday

In the winter it will not be possible to stay longer in the open air. We will build on this, and at the same time we will turn this minus – into a plus and visit those places, which in summer, as they say, simply did not reach the feet. Read more: How much water should I drink to be healthy?

Sports programswinter birthday

Holidays spent in the silence and peace of their own apartment, of course, have their advantages. However, they tend to resemble one another. And in a few years, considering the photos of the festive table, it is unlikely to be able to say exactly what you celebrated. But the birthday spent on a skating rink, ski track, ski resort, aerodrome or in an aquapark, absolutely definitely not to be confused with anything else! A lot of positive things, a sense of satisfaction from the plastics of your own body and a wonderful sports gift to guests – that’s what a real birthday is! Colorful sports photos, which are not ashamed to show to friends, will be a wonderful reminder that life is just beginning!

Thematic partieswinter birthday

It does not matter if it’s summer or winter outside. It is only your desire to spend an unforgettable day! So, we need to come up with an unforgettable program. A themed party organized at home, in a cafe or club, will leave you with good memories and allow you to reincarnate into any character and turn your birthday into a magical quest, even on a journey in the footsteps of Indiana Jones. Invite the holiday agency to organize a themed party, and its content will be a surprise not only for your guests but for you! Read more: Anti-aging face mask with argan oil: DIY recipe and tips for use

Entertainment Centerwinter birthday

In fact, people born in the winter are in a better position than the “summer birthday”. And all because you can safely demonstrate to relatives a huge minus on a street thermometer and go not to the dacha, but to the entertainment center! As a rule, entertainment centers offer a variety of entertainment: from bowling and billiards to the “cinema day”. And most importantly, there are many restaurants in which you can find food for every taste!

Winter hostel

Unlike “summer” gatherings, campsites that work in the winter, offer not only barbecue or rest by the fireplace but also a variety of winter entertainment. This can include a skating rink, skis, ice fishing and sauna. Boring will not be anyone, and the opportunity to escape from the city bustle itself is an excellent gift. By the way, if you schedule a birthday for the weekend and spend it in a narrow circle of close people, you can go on a small tourist tour to mountain resorts or even beaches. And winter prices for domestic resorts can only please!

Paribaswinter birthday

Paribas is a uniquely equipped bus that has been turned into a real disco club with karaoke, a bar, a DJ and a spacious dance floor. The height of the ceilings of the database is about three meters, so there will be no one close. Ride along the streets to the rhythms of your favorite music, stop exactly where you want, and go where you want – no one will be able to limit your imagination!

Events recommend taking advantage of all winter benefits and celebrating your birthday as you would never celebrate it in the summer. And as a bonus, make a great snow self-portrait with guests! And nothing that instead of a nose he will have a carrot! After all, the main thing is to get positive emotions for the whole next year!

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