Health and Home

What to know about energy efficiency in your home

Improving energy efficiency is important for many reasons. For one, it is the quickest way to support families and businesses in response to rising energy prices. It is also a good opportunity to elevate your living space in a cost-efficient manner.
Prioritising the efficiency of your home may reduce your heating bills by around 20% or more along with the bonus of lowering your carbon footprint. This article looks at the benefits of switching to a heat pump.

Energy efficiency measures consist of double glazing, insulation, low carbon heating and switching to efficient appliances.

Double Glazing

Glass is known for taking a toll on the warmth and energy efficiency of the average home. But the main problem may stem from the door itself. If you have old French doors or sliding doors, they may be leaking heat out of your home during the colder months. You can find various good replacements such as bifold doors Stroud.

Even so, it is best to upgrade your glazing for ultimate energy efficiency. Double glazing has been shown to be more thermal-efficient, along with offering more security. Specialist providers such as offer such services.

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Wide windows are common in urban areas. This can be a problem as they are prone to letting heat escape, which isn’t ideal, especially during the winter months. It helps to add layers of insulation to trap the warmth inside. Made-to-measure curtains do this by blocking outdoor temperatures from entering your home while being energy efficient in the long run.

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Ultimately, energy efficiency has many benefits ranging from cutting costs to helping the environment. Whether you choose to do so by investing in double glazing or efficient appliances all depends on you and your situation.

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