Health and Fitness

What is shakti yoga and is it right for me?

What is shakti yoga? It is a way of looking for the combination of energies that stimulates the nervous system and connects with the mind. It is based on a kind of awakening of the spirit and consciousness as human beings.

Shakti yoga is a complete process of stimulation not only of the essence of the human being. But also of the central nervous system, through the kal darshan. It is a millenarian discipline that integrates the different facets of the human being into one: mind, body and spirit. All this to keep the organism healthy and strong, in tune with the universe.

Shakti or Sakti comes to represent, according to Hinduism, the energy of a deva. That is, the strength of a male god through his wife. All the power of femininity is called Dev i; when it is associated with fertility, it is known as shakti . In this way, both energies complement each other.

Shakti yoga is a process of meditation in which all the senses are connected and each nerve of the organism is activated. With a lot of discipline. It allows to achieve a total balance between the practices of asanas, pranayama and meditation itself.

Mental aspects of shakti yoga

aspects of shakti yoga

The first thing that is emphasized is the relationship in the deity shakti and bhakti, seeking to link these two great energies. It is even believed that, from the fusion of them, another call arises adi shakti . Likewise, participants are required to leave behind preconceived beliefs. And fully commit to a spiritual connection of peace.

In practice, daily experiences will always be involved, adding how the individual handles them in relation to their environment and their own emotions. The connection between internal growth, the awakening of consciousness. And spirit are fundamental within the formation of the creative energy of the goddess Shakti.

On the other hand, within shakti yoga it is considered that there is no greater fusion than when the soul of each human being is liberated through intercourse. This is the time at which the atma-shakti meets the male god.

The physical in shakti yoga

In this activity, it is essential to maintain the link between a series of dynamic actions and breathing, in order to stimulate inner strength.

These concepts come to mean a big difference with traditional yoga. Since the tuning of mind and body is sought through movements, and not through stationary positions. In this way, we try to release all the accumulated tension.

One of the most representative exercises of shakti yoga is the greeting to the sun. It is composed of 12 energized and invigorating steps to celebrate the arrival of the new day. Always upon awakening, it is essential to be charged with the best energies; this allows, among other things, to strengthen the relationship with the environment.

Benefits of shakti yoga

It is a powerful, rigorous and complex method that guides towards total transformation and personal growth. It helps to strengthen the bodily functions, since it represents the fundamental axis of the cosmic wisdom.

Some even affirm that the daily practice of shakti yoga allows to build a body without age and enjoy some ‘privileges’ and ‘powers’ of divine order. At the same time, it is possible to reach new levels of knowledge, always maintaining humility.


Several modalities or variants can be mentioned, starting with the Karsat. This is understood as a cross training, in which kar (creation) and sat (truth) intervene. The aspect that is given more weight is, precisely, creativity.

There is also the Shastar Vidhya , which has its origin in the martial arts of northern India.  It is combined with the old strategies applied in battlefields.

The main objective of Gatka Whish is to achieve the perfect balance of the body. For this, three specific goals are pursued: easy learning, mastering the use of weapons and ability to fight numerous opponents. Currently, it seeks congruence in the internal balance of those who practice these sports.

Finally, there is the Vidhya , a term that, in Sanskrit, means truth, wisdom and knowledge. This pursues the understanding of the balance between strength and weight, an aspect that is only achieved when one lives consciously from within; this, in turn, implies reaching and discovering the true integral awakening.

In conclusion, it can certainly be said that shakti yoga, as well as other variants of this activity, is very positive for our body and mind. If you like relaxation activities, be sure to try this type of yoga.

5 yoga postures to relieve lower back pain

There are home remedies, exercises and medicines to reduce low back pain, but a very effective solution is to perform certain yoga postures. There are a variety of positions that stimulate the lower back and release the accumulated tension.

Salamba bhujangasana

The execution of the sphinx posture is very simple, stretch out on your stomach with your belly resting on the floor and your legs stretched out. Hold your chest up with your forearms on the floor, you should look forward and keep your shoulders down.

Supta Matsyendrasana

This position also helps to diminish the migraine, it releases the stress and oxygenates the muscles.To put it into practice, lie on your back and bend your right knee to your chest. Place your left hand on the right knee and apply some pressure to the ground.


The posture of the cat and the cow give strength to the arms and wrists. They also tone the trunk, stretch the neck and help achieve a better balance. To do this yoga posture you must place yourself on your knees and rest your hands firmly on the ground. Start with the position of the cow making an arch with your back, push your abdomen as low as you can. Now move to the posture of the cat bending your back up.

Adho mukha svanasana

To enter this pose, open your feet to the width of your hips and then place your hands on the ground at a considerable distance from the feet. Your body should form an inverted ‘V’, the head should look down and you should not raise your heels.


Performing this position is very simple, sit on your heels and place your arms at your sides with the palms of your hands facing upwards. Now, lean your body forward until your forehead touches the ground, and lies there.

Doing these yoga postures without hard will lessen the pain and discomfort in the lower back. In addition, these positions also stimulate other parts of the body. So that much you gain by putting these yoga positions into practice. It is significant that you do the poses on a yoga mat, or else a towel. So it will be much more comfortable. It’s time to get rid of back pain!

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