
Five Ways To Manage Stress At Your Workplace

Workload, lack of job security, and personnel problems gang up on and overwhelm employees, dragging down their satisfaction levels. The negative consequences of stress are so strong that it has been declared a World Wide Epidemic by the World Health Organization and users of online pokies real money Australia.

While many have tried to construct all-encompassing lists of stress reduction tactics, recent studies have shown there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

In the workplace, the employee-environment fit should be the primary focus. If it’s a good match, the employee is likely to be relaxed. A poor fit increases tension and stress.

We have a few broad ideas that can be used to alleviate workplace stress but make sure you tailor them to your workforce. Put these ideas into action; and remember, the best strategies start with leadership’s example, don’t just jump head first into things like gamblers looking for new online casinos accepting us players.

Revamp the habitat

A lot of stress comes from the environment. Think about every aspect of your office space and what it does (or doesn’t do) for the wellness of your team. Simple things like the quality of the coffee or the height of the cubicle walls can affect employee engagement.

Update the office with an upbeat colour scheme, additional plants, or new silverware. If you have the space, think about adding a ping pong or foosball table to allow employees to take their minds off of their stress for a few minutes. Any changes that increase employee enjoyment will leave them feeling less stressed.

Allow for flexible hours and remote working

You hired your employees because you have confidence in their ability to do their jobs well and promptly—so let them prove it. Your office shouldn’t feel like a cell, but rather a place that facilitates getting a job done. Let your employees know that their job is defined by the quality and timeliness of their work, not when they punch the clock.

Allow your employees to work remotely, and give flexibility for start and end times. This freedom is great for office morale, and the policy shows employees that you trust them enough not to babysit.

Encourage social activity

Employees spend a lot of time together, and the more comfortable they are, the less stress they will feel. As coworkers get to know each other, expectations and communication barriers are broken down, greasing the wheels for easier future interactions.

Create quiet time

Stress can’t be completely avoided, but you can help alleviate it when it arrives. Ensure your employees have a place where they can take a break.

Our research shows that more than 80 per cent of disengaged and hostile employees preferred the opportunity to have stress-relief breaks, such as a nap, massage, or required breaks. A small room, a lounge space at the end of the hall, and even an outdoor bench can be perfect places to find refuge from the chaos of the daily grind. Think about longer, retreat-style vacations, which can serve the same purpose.

If your organization can afford to do so, consider implementing “No Meeting Mondays” or something similar, essentially blocking off time for employees to focus on individual tasks and keep from getting bogged down with meetings or overwhelmed by a heavy workload.

Provide onsite or distance counselling

Many companies have also begun providing counselling as a way for employees to help deal with stress; in a recent study, almost half of workers felt they needed help in learning how to handle the stresses of their jobs. This strategy—in or out of the office, in group settings or individually—can help employees prepare for what stress will come their way.

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