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Properties and Benefits of Turkey Eggs

The turkey is a species of bird native to North America. Specimens that still live freely in the wild are called wild turkeys, while domestic birds are called domestic turkeys or simply turkeys but both are the exact same species. Turkey eggs are rich in protein, iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 and are one of the most nutritious egg varieties, in some respects better than chicken eggs but also quail ones. In fact, they have a much higher fat and cholesterol content, but moderate consumption should only provide benefits and no side effects, unless, there are pre-existing medical conditions that limit the consumption of turkey eggs.

What do turkey eggs taste like? Turkey eggs taste almost identical to that chicken eggs. You can’t tell the difference between the two if you don’t know in advance which variety of eggs you are eating. Unlike duck eggs which taste fatter because they have more yolk than chicken eggs, turkey eggs are more balanced. The shell and membrane between the shell and the egg are slightly harder than those of chicken eggs. Turkeys can also lay eggs with two yolks just as they rarely do with chicken eggs. What are the properties and benefits of turkey eggs? Below I invite you to discover 8 surprising nutritional benefits of eating turkey eggs:

Turkey eggs properties

1) High in cholesterol: 100 g of turkey egg contains 933 mg of cholesterol, while 1 egg alone contains about 79 grams of cholesterol. In other words, a single turkey egg has as much cholesterol as two large chicken eggs and more cholesterol than 9 quail eggs. Additionally, 100 g of turkey eggs have more cholesterol than duck and goose eggs. Believe it or not, cholesterol is actually an essential nutrient. Helps synthesize vitamin D for a strong immune system, fertility hormones, and bile acids for digestion. It is also capable of protecting nerve cells from demyelination, helping to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases affecting the nervous system. Cholesterol alone is not harmful, and scientific research shows that dietary cholesterol does not have as great an impact on blood cholesterol levels as previously thought (so it is not true that eating eggs increases blood cholesterol levels. in healthy individuals). But since cholesterol get mixed together with other fats and these fats,

2) High in Fat and Calories: A single turkey egg has nearly all the calories of two chicken eggs and almost as much fat. So, if you eat too many, you risk gaining weight. Eating turkey eggs rarely and in moderate quantities could provide constipation benefits, lower high blood sugar levels, feel full for longer, have more energy, and increase memory and learning.

  • 100 g of turkey egg provides 11.88 g of fat and 171 kcal
  • 1 turkey egg (79 g) provides 9.39 g of fat and 135 kcal
  • 100 g of chicken egg (2 eggs) provides 9.51 g of fat and 143 kcal

3) High protein content: Turkey eggs have more protein than chicken, quail, and duck eggs and almost as much protein as goose eggs. 100g of turkey egg contains 13.68g of protein, with 1 egg (79g) having 10.81g of protein. The best part is that egg protein are quality proteins, containing all the essential amino acids the body needs to keep us healthy. Eating turkey and eggs, in general, helps us build excellent muscle mass, promotes weight loss, fights brain fog, mood swings, supports learning, memory, and other cognitive functions. Additionally, amino acids help synthesize neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate sleep, appetite, and mood.

4) Rich in vitamin B12: they contain more vitamin B12 than quail eggs and chicken eggs but less than duck and goose eggs. 100g of turkey eggs provide 1.69mcg of vitamin B12 compared to chicken eggs which have 0.89mcg of vitamin B12. 100 g of quail eggs instead contain 1.58 mcg. Vitamin B12 is vital for the production of red blood cells and provides energy to the muscles, fights fatigue, restores vitality, and is a fundamental asset for pregnant women because it helps in the normal growth and development of the baby in the womb and plays an important role in the prevention of degenerative diseases of the nervous system such as multiple sclerosis.

5) Good source of folic acid: also called vitamin B9. One turkey egg provides 56 mcg or about 14% of the recommended daily intake of folic acid for an average adult. This makes it a good food for pregnant women, helping to prevent neural tube defects of the spine, spinal cord, and brain in infants. Folic acid along with vitamin B12 in turkey eggs are good for both the proper development of the baby and the mother.

6) Good source of vitamin A: 100 g of turkey eggs contain 166 mcg of vitamin A per 900 mcg of the RDA (about 18% of the recommended value). Vitamin A has anti-aging benefits for the skin and promotes visual acuity. It helps improve immunity and fights inflammation in the body.

7) Rich in iron: 100g of turkey eggs contain 4.1mg of iron, about 23% of the recommended daily RDA (18mg). Iron oxygenates muscle tissue, promotes good breathing, and has an energizing and revitalizing effect. It supports learning, memory and increases immunity.

8) Skin and hair ally: Finally, eating turkey eggs is good for the hair because the amino acids that make up proteins, B vitamins, and fats help nourish and strengthen the hair from the inside. Vitamin A as mentioned above has an anti-aging effect on the skin. Zinc fights acne, while the monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and other fats found in the yolk of turkey eggs help skin cells retain moisture better, helping to maintain hydrated and rosy skin with a good, healthy appearance.

Other vitamins and minerals contained in turkey eggs (1 egg 79 grams) are : vitamin B1 (0.110 mg), vitamin B2 (0.470 mg), vitamin B3 (0.024 mg), vitamin B6 (0.131 mg), calcium (99 mg) , magnesium (13 mg), phosphorus (170 mg), potassium (142 mg), sodium (151 mg) and zinc (1.58 mg). Turkey eggs also contain selenium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids but also a rare nutrient called choline .

Turkey Eggs


Turkey eggs are not the most popular egg variety, despite being more nutritious than chicken eggs in some respects. Although they have a higher energy value and overall more fat and cholesterol, they are also a better source of protein and several essential vitamins and minerals, particularly folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron. Eating turkey eggs provides benefits for skin, hair, vision, increases immunity and energy levels, fights fatigue, brain fog, and mood swings, and nourishes the brain for better memory and excellent learning. Obviously, a turkey eats more than one chicken and is exposed to various diseases, and keeping them costs up to 5 times more. For this reason, we will hardly find fresh turkey eggs in the supermarket. The only way to get turkey eggs is to have turkeys or buy them from some farmer in your area. Turkey eggs can be recognized very well thanks to the typical “brown spots” with dots present on their eggs.

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