
Large family? 5 tips to choose hotel

Large family-There are few who have ever felt misunderstood to have a family “XL” and think that the problems when traveling multiply to be a team 5. If it is true that what they say ” family together will never be defeated” , Why have to book two rooms to divide, or pay extras for the simple fact of being more? If you feel identified, here we leave you the best tips to choose the perfect hotel for large families. The best for “extra large” families.

Size does matter in a hotel for large families

 hotel for large families

Who said that size does not matter was not considering as a variable the choice of a room of two adults with three children jumping from bed to bed. Especially if the coexistence will last a week. The solution? Space. Much space. Specifically, the 94m2 of the family suites of the Barceló Maya Palace hotel in Mexico: perfect to meet. And to find peace when necessary. Put on your Mexican hat and get ready to enjoy your family vacation on the shores of one of the best beaches in the Caribbean.

Connecting rooms in the hotel: large family together but not riot

Privacy and love for children are not necessarily at odds, and the solution is to book a suite with two rooms that are easily communicated. What divides them? A thin wall that makes a door between room and room, and that can make the difference between a holiday to forget or to remember always. The Barceló Fuerteventura Thalasso Spa hotel suite is perfect for traveling with a large family. With the right compartments so that each member of the small family has its space.

Traveling with a large family: details for all

There are hotels for large families that have thought of everything; also in those who carry the house on their backs day after day. And if they have thought of everything, it means that we do not have to think about anything. Not even in the cargo that we usually associate with trips with small children: in the Barcy Family Suite of the Occidental Jandia Mar (Fuerteventura). They solve on request the forgotten holidays. Why pack a baby changing table, a baby bottle warmer. Or a Wii video game console in the suitcase when you can have everything ready when you arrive at your destination?

Family vacations (numerous): 6 are not a crowd

6 people do not mean 3 different rooms. They can mean one: the Family Suite of the hotel Occidental Lanzarote Mar is specially designed for XXL families since its capacity is up to 6 guests. Enjoying family coexistence in a single hotel room for large families is possible through differentiated spaces. So that the 6 members of the family can have the best experience. Bunk beds, bed, and sofa? Everything fits in this family suite.

All-inclusive regimen: large families without worries

More for less. Who does not like it? Since we have sweat drops and drops to raise and educate 3 or 4 children, what less to receive something in return. A vacation in Punta all included allow not only to adjust the budget of the trip. But to enjoy infinity of options: yes, having all the members of the family happy in that (paradisiacal) corner of the globe is worth it. The best option, the Barcelo Baaaro Palace of the Dominican Republic.

Tips to organize large family trip


The first thing to organize can be the choice of specific dates. Or approximate in any case if it is convenient to know approximately the duration in days of the trip.


As we noted in the previous step, the budget can significantly influence the dates chosen,. But not only in that, but also in the destination. So it is a fundamental step when organizing our family trip.

Elaborate the budget can be as complex as we want. And at the same time as simple as deciding what amount we spend on the trip and from it mount the rest of aspects according to this.


A key step in the organization of the trip is undoubtedly the choice of destination, since other factors depend on it. Which we will later see and which we will have to assess based on the destination that is the cornerstone on which to set our family trip.


We are moving forward in the organization of the trip and chosen the dates. The budget and the destination, we must go to choose an accommodation.

If it is the case that the dates chosen are approximate because you have a possible fork, it will be much easier to find accommodation that is more suited to our tastes. Or needs since we can move something depending on the availability of the accommodations.


We are going to the logistical question of the transfer for what we will also take into account that it is a family trip.

The choice of means of transport will depend on the distance to be covered and also on the possibilities offered by the existing communication channels. If it is a national trip or to nearby countries, we will usually have to choose between a vehicle of private use that will allow us greater autonomy during the trip at the time of moving.

But at the same time can force us to a long journey if geographically is not close to our place of domicile, or else. The use of public transport  that in this case will limit us a bit when moving in the same destiny. In any case, there are options for all tastes and we will have to prioritize according to the comfort, security and possibilities that we seek,


Going “blind” to a site can be risky, but yes, the adventure of discovery on the ground also has its own. Even so, for a family trip we prefer to have in advance some practical information that will later allow us to organize optimal activities and ensure the success of everything we see, visit or do during the stay.


At this point, and with all the information we have available, it is time to go into the detail of the planning, which can be very exhaustive or more general. Be that as it may, the thought in advance that we are going to do. Or visit will save us a lot of precious time during the trip that we can use to really enjoy it. And not be thinking about what we do today or tomorrow when we are already there.


Traveling involves by definition that we have to prepare a baggage with everything we will need in our stay. At the time of packing, the first thing we have to clarify is whether we have freedom of physical space or have some limitation. Either by the size of a trunk if we travel by car, by weight if we travel by plane, etc. We will also have to decide if we need any extra items such as the chests that are added to the cows of the vehicles, trailers, hire baggage supplements along with our airline tickets, etc.


We are reaching the end of the organizational process of the trip, but there may still be some ends to tie that we have to resolve, usually the most boring part of the organization is this that are bureaucratic and other procedures.


Finally, there is only the trip left, our recommendation is that you do not just stay with the typical aspects of the destination, search, know and make the trip learning. And as someone said Travel is something you pay and makes you richer.

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