Health and FitnessReviews

Harmful effects of smoking on health

The fact that smoking is unhealthy, probably everyone knows. Unfortunately, the real extent of the damaging effects of smoking on health is always forgotten or just suppressed. Below you will find an overview of the adverse effects of smoking on health.

Psychological impact (tolerance, performance, mood)


– Nicotine is absorbed very quickly by the lungs.

– The absorbed nicotine reaches the brain within 10 – 15 seconds.

– 50% of the nicotine is removed from the blood in two hours.

– Nicotine increases the level of chemicals dopamine, which contributes to the regulation of the feeling of pleasure in the “reward center” of the brain (circulation).

– The cravings (extreme need) to maintain the pleasant effects of nicotine (and prevent withdrawal) are responsible for the addictive character of nicotine.

– Chronic nicotine intake leads to dependency.

– As a brain-stimulating agent, nicotine first improves response time, mental performance, mood, and cognitive processing; the tolerance towards these effects is very rapid.

– Nicotine does not soothe; when smokers begin to feel the harmful effects of the nicotine train on body, mood, and performance, they light a cigarette for their next “nicotine” shot.

– Consequently, nicotine has no soothing effect but rather an adverse effect to alleviate the symptoms of the nicotine tract.

Symptoms of the nicotine tract beginning within hours after the last cigarette, some of which continue for more than 6 months, include:


– Irritability, restlessness

– Insomnia, exhaustion

– Hunger (increased appetite)

– Lack of concentration (disturbances)

– Dizziness

– Depression, sadness

– Anxiety

– Anger

– Unyielding desire for a cigarette (nicotine)

– Dripping nose and dry throat

– A cough, throat clearing

– Pressure in the chest

– Bloating and stomach pain

– Constipation

– Poor overall feeling

Effects of smoking on the body (cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, lung disorders, others)

Death causes due to cigarette smoking

– The manufacture of cigarettes as commercial products began in the early 20th century; by the end of the 20th century, more than 100 million smokers were killed by the cigarettes.

– Smoking kills’ 2 million people every year in the industrialized world, 50% of them between the ages of 35 and 69, 50% of old age.

– Smoking is responsible for 1/6 of the 11 million adults who die every year in industrialized countries.

– As the current pattern of increased smoking continues in the developing world, smoking will become the biggest cause of premature death worldwide.

– The reduction of current smoking by 50% would have prevented 20-30 million dead in the first quarter of 2000 and 150 million deaths in the second quarter of 2000.

– Their habits of smoking will eventually kill 50% of all regular cigarettes.

Cancer rates due to cigarette smoking

Death causes due to cigarette smoking

-Cigarette smoking is the principal cause of lung cancer; it produces 87% of all lung carcinomas.

– Smoking women are likely to develop lung cancer.

– The risk of lung cancer is the same for people who smoke cigarettes with an average, low or very low tar concentration.

– All current smokers, regardless of the tar or cigarette brand, have a significantly increased risk of developing lung cancer than those who have never smoked or who have stopped smoking.

-Highly increases the risk of developing mouth, esophagus, bladder, penis, breast, and cervical, pancreatic cancer.

-Smoking is responsible for causing and contributing to many other diseases, including:

-Cardiovascular diseases (coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, circulatory weakness)

– Respiratory diseases in addition to cancer (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, pneumonia)

-Gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers, heartburn).

– Early onset of type II diabetes

-Eye problems (Smoking contributes to up to 20% of the age-related blindness [macular loaf generation] in persons over 50 years, gray star)

-Hearing loss

-Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis.

-Dental problems (periodontal disease).

-Penile erectile dysfunction, sexual impotence, infertility.

Risks of smoking during pregnancy


-Carbon monoxide and high doses of nicotine in the tobacco disrupt the oxygen supply of the fetus.

– Nicotine accumulates in the blood of the fetus, in the fruit water, in the mother’s milk of smoking breastfeeding mothers.

-The factors as mentioned above are considered to be responsible for the developmental delays commonly occurring in fetuses of smoking mothers.

-Increased occurrence of pregnancy complications and miscarriages.

-More frequent occurrence of premature babies.

– Less weight at birth; the more the mother smokes, the less the fetus weighs at birth.

-Babies are more irritable, need more intercourse to remain calm, are more stressed, show increased behavioral problems due to symptoms of the nicotine tract.

-Increased need of visiting cardiologists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists.

-In children, increased the incidence of attention disorders, low IQ, influenza infections, asthma, and heart problems.

-Respiratory system problems (smokers die 4X more likely in tuberculosis; smoking is one of the leading causes of death due to disease).  More reviews on

Smoking kills Stop smoking & Stay healthy.






Written by Abu Sahadat MD Sayeem

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