Anxiety Reduction

How to avoid winter depression?

Tips on “How to get rid of the winter depression” from year to year give gigabytes … A sadness does not recede. Maybe, we have something not so understand these wise advice? So, we’ll figure it out …

Vitamin C

  • Everyone says: vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and immuno stimulant: the more it is, the easier it is to live.
  • Banal decision: tangerines, oranges – the most New Year’s fruit, eat – I do not want.
  • But: citrus tops among allergens, besides, they are against free radicals, apparently, protect better, than from boredom.
  • Alternative:

Kiday: dial a pair of mandarin grids and organize the taking of a snow fortress with children, friends and dogs. Instead of snowballs – fruit ( for greater softness you can pre-clean). Fun with snowy buildings in the open air and in itself delnayaa if at the same meal can throw – positive enough to spring! Hang: on the tree, of course, just do not forget to change as natural aging. Dari: trailer for fruit festive bows (good peel allows) and bestow neighbors, passers-by, colleagues. It is unreasonable, and the mood creates on one-two – and to you and others. The holiday cannot wait: in December, few people are surprised at the congratulations.

  • More about vitamin C: it slows down aging – which in itself pleases.


  • Everyone says: depression comes from the lack of serotonin, and the lack of serotonin – from lack of light.
  • A banal decision: to leave for South America or Australia – there is now summer. In extreme cases, screw the lamp in the apartment more potently and do not turn it off until the spring.
  • But: time, money, acclimatization.
  • Alternative:

Botanical and winter gardens – a special microclimate and lighting are necessary for tropical plants. You enter – and you breathe in the real summer. And the light you want, and the minimum financial costs.

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Sex in the dark – you can, of course, light all the lamps and try to grow a hormone of happiness under their light – until the moment you get an electricity bill. And you can rejoice at the coming darkness and organize at least dinner, even though sex blindly. Use the moment: in the summer, to darken the room for these purposes, much more resourcefulness will be needed. And orgasm endorphins even greater, than from the sun!

  • More about serotonin: if the blonde in the ears shone a flashlight, her eyes light up. Naive Finns, tortured dark winter, it seems, accepted joke seriously and come up with a gadget, which literally shines into the brain via headphones bulbs, saving you from the winter depression.

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  • Everyone says: carbohydrates are a source of endorphins. Especially the chocolates!
  • A banal decision: you cannot deny yourself anything. Especially in chocolate!
  • But: carbohydrates not only weight gain, but also problems with the skin.
  • Alternative:

Food Show – Arrange a gastronomic party, where guests will share recipes from different selling countries to submit a slideshow with pictures summer, serve with a wish to enjoy your meal in the language of the inventors of dishes. The goal of the winter zhora is not to fill the stomach, but to cheer up.

Sport – any physical load contributes to the production of hormones of joy. Solid pluses: and you lose weight, and cheer up , and the craving for sweets will decrease by itself , because without hormones, hormones will return to normal.

  • More on carbohydrates: if chocolate still want , choose the one , that red pepper – this dessert many do not eat , and not have to: peppers several times to increase the amount of endorphins ,produced by the body , but at the same time speed up the metabolism.

The best on the Internet

The World Wide Web has hung so much good advice, that winter depression is no chance!

  • About love

Tip: “Fall in love”

Brush your teeth, eat an orange and fall in love. Good advice, sorry, the methodology is not developed.

  • About sex

Advice: “Take a bath with aromatic oils, correct smells – a strong aphrodisiac.”

To enhance the effect of immersing in a bath man. Or he will immediately engage in sex with you, or feel a “burning sensation”, which warns the instruction, and starts running around screaming on the walls. In any case, you will cheer up. Advice: “Talk to your husband about renewal of intimate life. Remember the phones of old friends and meet them. “Advice, set out in the following order, at least intriguing. But husbands are usually conservative in terms of combining intimate life and old friends.

  • For fashion, the

Council: “Dress in white!”

Muskhalat – a proven winter thing: fell on the snow, pretended to be a rag and sleep until spring.

  • About Life

Council: “Build a winter holiday! After all, only in winter you can make a snowman and polish icicles. “

And you can lick a metal swing. And it will not be exactly until depression.

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