
How to Defeat Enemies at Work? The 10 Greatest Enemies

Does the following sound familiar? What, despite having done many activities during the day, is the feeling that the day escaped, that the advances did not correspond to the effort invested? What was not advanced? Does that feeling repeat itself day after day? How to defeat enemies at work? Will there be enemies of time that you have not noticed and are affecting productivity?

How to defeat enemies at work?

Plan the day or week again, lengthen the day, work under pressure, delay other activities or projects, a greater consumption of resources, electricity, internet, less time for personal activities.

The 10 greatest enemies of time at work

There are external factors that affect the efficient management of time. In more cases, you are responsible for the greatest enemies of time at work and in daily life. The importance of recognizing them and taking actions to improve productivity.

enemies of time at work

The radio pallets

The unofficial information, in which some scenario is usually magnified is not only of the greatest thieves or enemies of time but is usually a source of demotivation for people.

On the one hand, the rumour is usually so striking and powerful. It is easy to fall into a dynamic that is not favourable to spend time listening to it, to comment on it, analyze it. Also, it causes the concentration of tasks to decrease due to the stress and demotivation it produces.

The strong changes in the companies, an alliance or merger, some crisis, are favourable scenarios for the radio pallet to appear.

For example, a merger between 2 companies, can generate rumours about cost reduction, personnel, the arrival of new leaders and uncertainty as to the style of management; also rumours about promotions, better performance, etc.

Constant communication on the part of the leader updating them in terms of news, even when there is no clarity about an aspect communicating this way. It will considerably reduce the power of the radio pallet and what it generates in the work environment.

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It happens in the moments when you are going to perform a task, the questions arise how, to whom is the result aimed? Who requested it? Under what specifications was this task requested? There is no clarity or answer to the previous questions.

Investigate the characteristics of the task, who requests it, if it is a customer complaint, they become enemies of time and effectiveness.

The procedures on each process, as well as the documentation and flow of tasks, are important.

Not only in the aspect of how to better manage time for having clarity in tasks, for being more efficient as a company.

For example,

Have a record of the entry of a customer order; Know product or service specifications, delivery commitment dates.
The follow-up, in which status is the task, responsible at each stage of development. The customer also has clarity about his order. It is a good image for the company.

Lack of homework planning

Duplicate tasks, lack of definition of priorities, the sequence of accomplishment of them, are characteristics of the lack of planning.

What causes it?

Delays, complaints, reprocess duplicate efforts, breaches, unwanted results.

While the action plan is under construction, the tasks will not start. However, it will provide clarity and order to the tasks.

What is the sequence of activities, who are involved in each, the relation of inputs and resources, start and conclusion dates, the follow-up to each task?

Developing an action plan requires dedicating time, but it is an investment since it organizes and gives direction to human, monetary, material and time resources.

Lack of organization in work meetings

lack of organizational skills

What is the purpose of the meeting? What is intended to be obtained or resolved? Will decisions be made? Is it a follow-up?

The lack of clarity in the objectives in a meeting, represent enemies of time at work.

Making meetings productive allows the effective administration of people’s time in companies.

What is the purpose of each meeting, and what is it intended to achieve?

Informative, communicate a relevant or transcendent fact. Organization of projects, invite participants, communicating the role to play, start dates, ways of working, organizational structure. Follow-up projects, it is the follow-up to the project plan; What is being done well? What obstacles arise? Who will solve it? What do you need? What is going to change?

E-mails to communicate

The emails are an excellent means of communication when relevant issues are communicated, customer requirements are received or are told advance orders, among others.

E-mails become enemies of time when, instead of communicating news, they become avenues to discuss with others.

It is easy to fall into these types of scenarios and even more so when previous conversations or other people are nesting.

Is it important to address the issue of extensive emails that more than reporting contain conversations?

How about dealing with the matter in person, by phone or video conference?

Being informed is important, and email is an excellent way, but surely there are tasks with higher priority during the day than reading emails.

Act in multitasking mode

What do you intend to achieve by taking more than one task at a time? Save time and be more productive?

It is not necessarily what you get. Attend a task, leave it started to take another, then one more and return to the first What were you when you interrupted?

The progress may seem slower, but there are more effectiveness and security in what is done; consider the following,

Acting in multitasking mode is a good way to expose yourself to make mistakes.

Imagine that you manage the accounts of several clients and attend tasks of more than one client at the same time. Each task contains confidential information, and by mistake, you send information of the other to one client. What will be the consequences?

Long working hours

Sometimes it is the most viable alternative to fulfil a task or project, dedicate overtime a day, because the results will compensate in benefits, the dedicated efforts.

But when it becomes a custom, long hours become enemies of time at work.

Discouragement, fatigue, mistakes, what can be done to be productive?

For those long days, will there be an area of ​​opportunity in terms of time management? What is the priority? What can be delegated? Is the task not relevant?

Perhaps it is time to review the importance that each task deserves and you can identify enemies of time and how to make the day more efficient.

Noisy environments

In an environment where there is a lot of noise, it directly impacts productivity; mainly, they hinder concentration.

What to do to reduce this impact?

Using headphones is a good alternative, listening to relaxing music.

Toxic people

Toxic people

One of the greatest enemies of time is trying to hold conversations with toxic people.

Destructive criticism, negativity, discussions lead to nothing unless they are granted reason. It is not always the most appropriate.

What to do about it?

The pretexts are also time distracter

Sometimes, you depend on other people to perform an activity, for example, when you are part of a productive chain. Therefore, if a previous process presents a delay, it affects the following.

There are other factors. When working in external environments, inclement weather can cause delays in tasks.

However, we must take care that a habit does not form this type of arguments since they become excuses and are enemies of time and productivity.

If the supplier’s delays are continuous, what can be contributed or done differently?

Maybe a brainstorm can help reduce problems. Find alternatives to problems, providing knowledge, some tool that they do not know. Modify procedures on what decisions to take when such situations arise.

The important thing is to generate proposals on the proper use of time.


The enemies of time at work are present in different ways, from a distraction from social interaction with teammates to lack of order.

It is favourable and advisable to interact with the rest of the team; networking helps build trust and foster collaboration.

During the restructuring stage in companies, there is usually a lack of order, a reorganization of projects, new ways of working, rotation of people, the arrival of new leaders, long working hours, confusion in procedures; It’s about adapting to changes.

When scenarios such as the above become commonplace, and despite completing a lot of effort, you have the feeling of not moving forward. Then you have to check if there are enemies of time at work.

Some of those time enemies often go unnoticed or appear as part of the routine. Priority tasks must be reviewed, delegated, and what tasks are not being provided. The important thing is to find how to be more efficient and productive, how to plan the day better.

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