Beauty TipsReviews

Tips to restore your face

Clearing the skin is easier than you think. Simple masks based on the use of milk will give you fast and surprising results.

Mask 1: To moisturize the skin.
Use a glass of milk, four strawberries and a spoonful of almond oil.

Bring the milk to the boil with the strawberries over medium heat. Remove the mixture from the stove and with a fork grind the strawberries until puree. Add the almond oil. Mix everything and apply it on your skin for half an hour. Then remove with warm water.

Mask 2: To cleanse the skin of impurities.
Use oatmeal powder and milk.

Mix the oatmeal powder with the milk until it condenses. Put it on your face and neck and let it act for 10 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water.

removing dark spots
Image Source: Google Image

Mask 3: To exfoliate the skin.
Milk and sugar.

Mix the two ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Put it on the yems of your fingers and do circular massage on the skin. Leave it for a few minutes and remove with warm water.

Mask 4: To clarify and moisturize the skin.
Use cucumber and milk.

Minimum once a week make a mixture that includes cucumber and milk. Leave them on your skin for five minutes and wash with water.

Mask 5: Smoothes and brightens the skin.
One spoonful of honey, one egg and two spoonfuls of milk.

Mix the milk with the honey when they are compact adds the egg and beat everything. When this is ready let it act for 15 minutes on the skin. Then rinse with plenty of water.

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